Moto Training N.I. who provide the Biker NI Safety Card to their students are hosting a First Bike On Scene (FBOS) First Aid Course in the Antrim/Ballymena area on the 14th April 2019 and it is the only planned course in Northern Ireland this year..
The day will include dealing with crash site safety, safe removal of casualty’s helmet, CPR, operation of a defibrillator etc.
These courses are very enjoyable and are run by paramedic bikers for bikers.
Stephen Mills from MOTO Training NI says, “I have arranged with my friends at First Bike on Scene to run a first aid course for my current or ex students.
This is a great course and well worth while.
The course will be run on Sunday 14th April 2019, in or around Ballymena/Antrim area.
The cost is normally £80 including the certificate, but if we get a minimum of 12 (max 22) people to go we get a £10 discount.
If you would like to go on this interesting and valuable training day, click the link below and pay a £50 deposit using the courses and booking tab.
Please let me know if you are going so I can compile a list of names to attract the group discount.
If you have any questions please let me know.”
Booking – First Bike On Scene (FBOS)
You can contact Stephen at or direct on 07973-50-2-600
Moto Training N.I. – On Facebook
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