The CRASH Card is for motorcyclists to place inside their crash helmet as a medic alert and was originally designed by paramedics who are passionate about motorcycles.
At some point in your riding life you may fall off your bike or you could be with a rider who has.
If you’re injured and are unable to talk coherently because of concussion or having been knocked out:
How does the ambulance crew attending find out who you are?
What medication you take?
Or your medical history?
What information does the 999 call centre need?
How can you help the rider who is injured?
One side of the card has the memory aid CRASH – take time to read it.
The person making the 999 call is the most important person at the scene because the information they give determines the response of the emergency services.
CRASH is intended to be a set of easy to remember steps to keep you or the other unfortunate rider safe, if either has been involved in a road traffic collision accident.
The card follows a similar set of questions universally used by ambulance service control centres, and focuses on safety, the location of the accident, and how serious it is.
Caution – don’t put yourself in danger
Road – what is your exact location?
Accident – involving how many vehicles?
Serious – is anyone unresponsive?
Help – don’t move the casualty, call 999
The other side includes information about you used by the ambulance services and hospital:
Name: First and surnames are best, so please avoid nicknames.
DOB: (Date Of Birth)
Address: If you don’t want to fill in your full address put your postcode.
Allergies: List any Allergies you have.
Medication: List any medications you currently take.
Medical History: If you have had any operations in the last 12 months and/or suffer with a chronic illness e.g. diabetes, asthma, angina, etc.
Next of Kin: Name/Number: A person who can be contacted in case of emergency.
Then, just put the card under the lining of your crash helmet because that’s where the crew will look for it.
The “Do Not Remove Helmet” Sticker
By placing the sticker on the right hand side of your helmet (NOT on the visor or other attachments) you are alerting emergency responders that you carry a card inside the lining of your helmet.
The wording on the sticker is aimed at passers by, lay people and good Samaritans, who may, in an attempt to help at the scene of a road traffic collision try and force a helmet off a rider’s head, the priority is not to get to the card.
Therefore the secondary purpose of the sticker is to keep the helmet in place until emergency responders assess the situation.
Remember removing a crash helmet safely is a skill which takes two people and requires specific training and practice.
The removal of a crash helmet takes into consideration head and neck (c-spine) injuries – unconscious/conscious casualty – breathing and maintaining open airways.
The wording on the sticker therefore should assist with the spinal management of the rider and keep the helmet in place until a professionally trained person can safely remove it.
Don’t ever attempt to remove another rider’s helmet on your own.
Hopefully no-one will ever need to use the CRASH Card.
However no matter how carefully you think of your safety, you may be in a situation where you or others can take advantage of the card.
Even if you’re fit and well a CRASH Card can improve your treatment pre hospital in the unfortunate event of a road traffic collision or other injury.
The Biker NI Safety Card – “CRASH” card is available for free to riders and pillions, find out how to get your card – Get A Card
Why not get some First Aid Training?
We recommend B.I.K.E.R.S. Training, home of the First Bike on Scene (FBoS) – Emergency Response Skills (ERS) to deliver their courses to riders.
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B.I.K.E.R.S. Training Ireland – On Facebook